Each Month
We gather to connect through storytelling, song and deep sharing. We use drums to join our rhythms and sing songs to touch our hearts.
There’s a topic for focus each month and a story or a poem with help us go deep,
By joining this way, we seek ways of discovering deeper meaning in our lives.
We honor each other in a spirit that sustains us on our journey. Our circle is open to any man traveling this path.

Our centerpiece is a symbol of our relationship with self, each other, creation, the Earth, the Cosmos, and Mystery.
Modeled after Native American medicine wheel, it contains four quadrants. The colors — yellow, red, black and white — symbolize the four seasons, cardinal directions and the lover, warrior, magician and king within us. Contained within the circle are objects placed there by some me who have attended a gathering. Some objects stay a short while some stay a long time.
Digging deep with story and prose.
Stories, poetry and prose come from the artist’s divine center, inspiring each listener the opportunity to knock on the door of their true selves
Myths and folktales from many cultures inform our sharing. Each man hears the story differently, depending on his own life experience.
Talking Stick
The tradition of the Talking Stick empowers a man both to speak and be heard as he shares his own personal life experiences. Whoever holds the Talking Stick may draw upon the power of the stories contained within it to speak his own story from the depth of his feelings.

In drumming we celebrate the discovery and awakening of a deep rhythm within that blends with each other. The sound of our drums calls us together as men to reflect on our lives in an environment of trust, confidentiality and honesty.