
By Eugene Marckx A featherbrained idler – what your grandfather said of him, and farmers hereabouts who should’ve known better, long after Nestor took to the road. Then he was forgotten, but the forgetting couldn’t quite fill in the pigeon-hole, which hid quite a lot, it turned out. Nobody brought up how Nestor made music…

A Hole in the Sky

(from the Colville Native American tradition) Long before humans were born most all the animals felt pretty gray. Was it because the sky was always gray and always about to rain? Was it because there was never enough to go around? Never enough to eat? Never enough comfort? All day long the animals scratched out…

The Hunchback

a tale by Eugene Marckx The valley king died. After his many years of quiet prosperous rule, the people gathered, along with kings from neighboring lands, to remember and express in doleful song their grief and deep respect. When his coffin was lowered into the grave, each of them in passing dropped a flower and…

The Hole in the Sky

(from the Colville Native American tradition) Long before humans were born on the earth all the animals felt pretty gray. The sky was always gray, and half the time about to rain. Food and shelter and comfort were scarce. There was never quite enough to go around. All day long the animals got grouchier and…


A memoir by Eugene Marckx   Among the dogs in my life one stands out, a Black Labrador mix that came into our family when we weren’t looking for him.  We were looking for a small black Cockapoo that had run away from us, a dog one of my sons had gotten off his paper route. …

Davison Stivers

Davison has been a part of A Gathering of Men almost from the beginning. He has participated as a story teller, board member, president, facilitator. He's been a mentor to many men over the years. Additonally he's participated in The Noble Journey, sponsored by Counceling Associates, Which helped me explore four primary male archetypes (King,…

The Giant with No Heart in His Body

a folktale from Norway Once upon a time there was a King who had seven sons, and he loved them all so much that he couldn’t bear to have them all gone at once. He must have at least one nearby at all times. When they were grown into young men, the six older brothers…

Moira’s Mountain

a tale by Eugene Marckx As a boy Wade did not know any dancing or singing.  His people on the slopes of Black Mountain did not dance or sing.  They lived without these foolish excesses.  If they were trading goods with a strange tribe, and those people began to dance or sing, his people always…

Death and the Dwarf

by Eugene Marckx From an ancient tale Roghnall was the most daring warrior chief of his time. With his cohorts he had won so many battles that he began to feel invincible—so much so that he sent out a challenge to anyone anywhere to meet him in battle. No one answered. But the last, if…
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